
Certified Polish Translator & Interpreter

Tomasz Ratajczyk

Check my credentials with the Polish Ministry of Justice
Sworn Translator of English & Polish

What exactly I do as a certified Polish translator and interpreter

I do legal and court translation and interpreting from English into Polish and vice versa. My professional commitment as a certified Polish translator and interpreter is to ensure a constitutional right of foreign parties to be heard in all kinds of proceedings before the Polish administration of justice and law enforcement agencies. I am a law and English graduate with work experience in legal and language industry. Thanks to that I tend to have an in-depth insight into the nuances of the language of the law. You can visit the section About meif you want to hear my story.

What translations I provide

Certified Polish TranslationsNEW!

Certified translations also known unofficially as sworn translations...

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Court & Notarial Polish InterpretationNEW!

I usually assist my clients in court room and notary's office...

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a certified translator in Poland and when do I need one?

Certified translator (also known as sworn translator) in Poland is a profession of public trust entitled to do certified translations. Each certified translator is entered into the list kept by the Polish Minister of Justice available online under this link. Certified translators are legally obliged to maintain impartiality and confidentiality as to the facts they learn in connection to their translations.

Usually you will need a certified translator to have your documents translated in relation to your work or education in Poland. The services of sworn translators are also required when you go to a court hearing or you want to buy a property in Poland.

How to find a certified translator fast?

The easiest way to find a certified translator in Poland is to visit the official Website of Certified Translators at the Ministry of Justice here. The bad news is, however, the fact that for now it is only available in Polish. As awkward as it may sound though, you can Google translate it in your browser and search it then 馃槈

If you want to find out more on this topic, you can visit my blog post How to find a certified translator?

How much does a certified translator charge?

Official prices of certified translations in Poland are specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Justice on the Remuneration of Certified Translators (Polish text here). The current net rate for a standard page of a sworn translation is:

  • from English into Polish PLN 34.50 (for specialised texts PLN 43.12)
  • from Polish into English PLN 45.11 (for specialised texts PLN 56.39)

Market prices of certified translations in Poland are not subject to any regulation, however the above rates often apply also for private clients.

What is a certified Polish translation?

Certified translation, informally also聽sworn translation, is a document of the same legal force as the document, based on which it was done. The certified translation in Poland has to contain:

  • information on the direction of translation (e.g. from English or Polish)
  • certifying clause
  • repertory number
  • date and place of drafting
  • an imprint of the translator‘s seal and her signature

Is there a difference between sworn, certified, notarised, and attested translation in Poland?

I my daily work as a certified translator I come across clients asking for sworn, certified, official, notarised, and attested translations. In fact, the recommended equivalent of the Polish t艂umaczenie po艣wiadczone is聽certified translation. All other versions, as frequently as they may appear, are less preferred or incorrect from the point of view of the Polish Ministry of Justice Sworn Translator Examination Committee.

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My Clients

Clients' reviews

  • Smooth Polish-English interpretation of business talks in real time. Much appreciated!


    A艣ka Goliszk贸wna

  • Excellent service!! Quick, professional and friendly. I strongly recommend them and would definitely request their services again.


    Joe Fire Shepard

  • I highly recommend Mr. Tomasz. Excellent, professional and really fast translation services. Thank you very much one more time! 馃檪


    Ela Brzeczkowska

  • 艁atwy i szybki kontakt, ka偶dy termin dotrzymany, z pewno艣ci膮 miejsce moich kolejnych t艂umacze艅.


    Rafa艂 Gros

  • Profesjonalnie, mi艂o i szybko. Dobry kontakt z klientem podczas t艂umaczenia ustnego. Elastyczno艣膰 czasowa. Polecam 馃檪


    Kasia Swojak-van Gastel

  • Very helpful person, spoken English is excellent, easy to find location. Reasonable translation cost. Professional approach and I recommend his service to any English speaking people who need documents translated either Polish to English or vise versa.


    In Two Poland

  • T艂umaczenie nietypowego tekstu prawniczego, rzetelnie i bezproblemowo, bardzo dobra wsp贸艂praca, zrozumienie i ch臋膰 pomocy. Wygodna, nowoczesna obs艂uga zlecenia. Polecam


    Tomasz Lipinski

  • Excellent service, prompt reliable and certified translations and an easy and efficient transaction. Thank you!


    Tom Brook

  • I cannot recommend Tomasz enough, he assisted me in more than one occasion in order to sign extensive paperwork, I would recommend him anytime.


    Nicol谩s Cabrera

  • Excellent translation services. Highly reccomend.


    Ashley Delmar

  • Serdecznie polecam Pana Tomasza Ratajczyka. Korzystali艣my z jego us艂ug przy okazji podpisywania aktu notarialnego (jedn膮 ze stron by艂 cudzoziemiec niepos艂uguj膮cy si臋 j臋zykiem polskim, wi臋c tre艣膰 aktu musia艂a by膰 przet艂umaczona i odczytana po angielsku w obecno艣ci notariusza). Pan Tomasz nie tylko wspaniale w艂ada angielskim s艂ownictwem prawniczym, ale potrafi przet艂umaczy膰 skomplikowane kwestie prawne w taki spos贸b, 偶eby by艂y w pe艂ni zrozumia艂e i jasne r贸wnie偶 dla osoby niezajmuj膮cej si臋 prawem zawodowo, co jest prawdziw膮 sztuk膮. Warto przy tym zaznaczy膰, 偶e Pan Tomasz zgodzi艂 si臋 nam pom贸c pomimo du偶ej presji czasowej, co nie przeszkodzi艂o zaprezentowaniu t艂umaczenia na najwy偶szym poziomie. Jestem pod ogromnym wra偶eniem profesjonalizmu i kultury osobistej Pana Tomasza, polecam z czystym sercem. Pozdrawiam.

    Sep 01, 2020

    Anna B-K

  • He is very considerate and kind, location is easy to find and the service is super good.


    Raechelle Del Rosario

  • Szczerze polecam! T艂umaczenia w ekspresowym tempie, pe艂en profesjonalizm!


    Angelika R贸偶niecka

  • W zesz艂ym roku korzysta艂em z us艂ug Pana Tomasza, by艂 on polecony przez moj膮 znajom膮 i okre艣lony jako wymiatacz 馃檪 Rzeczywi艣cie okaza艂o si臋, 偶e zar贸wno t艂umaczenie przysi臋g艂e dokument贸w jak i profesjonalne podej艣cie do klienta by艂y na najwy偶szym poziomie! Je偶eli w przysz艂o艣ci pojawi si臋 u mnie potrzeba skorzystania na pewno powr贸c臋, a osobom, kt贸re ju偶 teraz potrzebuj膮 t艂umacze艅 serdecznie polecam! 猸愶笍猸愶笍猸愶笍猸愶笍猸愶笍 dla Pana Tomasza 馃檪


    Kajetan 呕elech-Alatarvas

  • Polecam. Bardzo dobry kontakt z Panem Tomaszem. Realizacja t艂umaczenia w j臋zyku angielskim bardzo sprawna.


    Paulina Sochacka
  • Amazing , fast and affordable service .100% recommend.

    James Zabb