
Polish Interpreting

Polish interpreting in court room and notary's office

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What are my usual Polish interpreting assignments?

Polish court interpreting

Majority of Polish interpreting I do is at a court room. Usually it is a combination of liaison and consecutive interpretation. I translate the course of the hearing real time in a low voice sitting next to my client and when he or she speaks I translate it loudly into Polish for court and the counterparty. In the above photo you can see a pocket notebook which comes in handy when I need to translate numbers, proper names, personal details, etc.

Polish notarial interpreting

If you are planning to buy a property or establish a company in Poland, you might have to visit a notary to sign a relevant deed for that purpose. All transactions at a notary’s office have to be done in Polish. For this reason if you do not speak the language, you will need the assistance of a certified interpreter. Notarial deed you are going to sign will be translated into English and before that the notary will make sure you understood it.

Why do I like my work as a certified Polish interpreter?

My beginnings as a Polish certified interpreter

I remember attending my first interpreting job fresh out of the Ministry of Justice where I had been sworn in just a couple of days before. It was at the Regional Court in Wrocław, Commercial Division and concerned a dispute between an Irish and Polish company over more than a hundred thousand Euros. Despite my tremendous stress and after several pauses, the court has successfully closed the hearing which took the whole afternoon. The Irish party thanked me and promised to keep the contact for future. Since then I have spent dozens if not hundreds of hours interpreting in court and other various interesting places.

Court interpreting nowadays

I like the atmosphere of court hall and meeting new people from different parts of the world whom I can help with my services. The electricity before entering the court room and the awareness that I provide real value to my clients for whom I translate is really important in my work. It is always rewarding to hear appreciation for the job well done. Besides, interpreting assignments are for me a great opportunity to get out of office and meet people instead of sitting in front of screens and doing written translations.

Tłumacz w Sądzie Rejonowym we Wrocławiu

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